Sitting in foot traffic bursting with words
she sells her poetry under a San Juan sky
trying to make enough money to eat.
Broken pavement and blue cobblestones
are the stage where she plants her feet
to listen to life vibrating through her toes.
Suggestions for verse are tossed with dollar bills
by passing tourists who miss the beauty of art
stamped out by typewriter keys and a poet’s heart.
She is a novelty, another snapshot to fill a photo album.
No one asks her name or about the dreams inside her.
Many see her as another beggar reaching for coins.
The poetess braves the sun and rejection to leave
her mark in a world that devalues her without a blink.
She releases her poetry like inked doves to fly
as hope among
thoughtless interjection.
©Susie Clevenger 2013
Today Fireblossom at Real Toads challenged us to write about location. I chose my recent trip to Puerto Rico where I came upon a young poet selling her craft for a few dollars and a smile. Sadly I didn't get to buy any of her work.
A lovely scene if not setting, and such anovel way to share your wares.
Pity it isn't being valued as much as it ought to
Did you have a nice trip?
I wish you'd been able to buy one of her poems, but at least she has appeared in one of yours, Susie, so I'm sure the poetry gods are pleased.
(My father, a travel and outdoor writer, always referred to "the river gods" with no intention of disrespecting anyone's beliefs.)
Awesome poem and it touched my heart :)