NaPoWriMo 2013 Day 23 ~ She Speaks an Unknown Tongue

“Women speak two languages - one of which is verbal” ~ William Shakespeare

If I could translate
the language of her body,
then this uncertainty
that plagues me
would no longer
be my affliction.

She frowns on the
tip of a smile;
beckons with a wink
while her eyes speak no.

Am I the only male
who cannot read her sighs,
the tap of her foot,
the fingers twisting
the curls at her cheek?

I haven’t the gift of clairvoyance
so I tread the troubled waters
of misconception each time
I hazard a moment’s trust
I can decipher the unknown tongue
her body speaks.

©Susie Clevenger 2013

Susan at Real Toads has us celebrating William Shakespeare's birthday by using one of his quotes for inspiration for our own writings. Unfortunately I missed the requirement to write a sonnet. For shame, I lay my head low and weep. I failed to meet the request of a sonnet to grace my page. :)
A Birthday in April ~ Shakespeare I also shared it at dVerse poets pub ~ Open Link Night Week 93


Susan said…
There is no sonnet requirement! I didn't require it and no one else did either. And your poem is brilliant! I love the build up to the tentative moment of trusting he understands her body language. Of course, he must be wrong because the tone of the poem made me feel the comedy of the situation. I see two characters on stage, playing this out while he steps into a dramatic aside to share his trepidation with the audience or a confidant. And it has a Chekhovian humor too! Bravo!
Scarlet said…
Woe to the men who can't understand the woman's body language, ha ~ When we are arguing, hubby would ask me point blank, is it Yes or No? ~

And of course this leads to a merry chase of misunderstanding ~
Brian Miller said…
ha, yes...and those who think they have it figured out...well they are often caught surprised as well...
Unknown said…
Why is it women know what a man conceives in thought but guys just don't get it? :) I think you've touched us here with the spirit of the Bard, leading us to believe that something resembling thought does indeed go on in a guy's cute little noggins!
ayala said…
Awesome, Susie.
Helen said…
Sonnet or no sonnet, your poem is awesome!! .. Will would have stamped it "Approved."
W.k. kortas said…
Wry? Check. Well built? Check. A sonnet? Who gives a damn?
Margaret said…
Just exquisite:

She frowns on the
tip of a smile;

This is full of wit - Shakespeare would find a lot of humor in this, I think (and commiserate)
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Very Shakespearean indeed! And droll. I so enjoyed it.
Kerry O'Connor said…
I think this is gorgeous. I read it as if Shakespeare were the speaker - the only one able to read both languages of womanhood.
Mary said…
Ha, women are always open to varying interpretations. Well crafted lines, Susie.
Herotomost said…
Oh being a lover be it man or woman has so many pitfalls when it comes to communication. Those gifted with the ability to read intuitivly are oten blinded by the rapturous clanging of love. I can be so loud and sometimes debilitating. Great poem Susie....
Anonymous said…
I didn't do a sonnet either. Thank goodness it isn't a requirement. Especially since you created such a lovely piece. I love Love LOVE your poem!
Tawnya Smith said…
I was unfamiliar with that Shakespeare quote. How wonderfully you spun it into poetic drama. Thank you for the opportunity to learn something new and enjoy it.
Ginny Brannan said…
Ahh, and wouldn't it be just lovely if men could actually read our minds?!! Perfectly captured!
Anonymous said…
They'll never understand us, but you know what? I'll never understand them either so it's all good. Nice poem.