Broken Wings and Secrets

You took my broken wings
and tucked them in your heart.

My past had invaded my present
with its artillery of fear.

It was your love that crumbled
my wounded walls into safety.

You nudged me to unwind the secrets
from the child inside of me to free her.

On a cold winter’s night I took the first steps
away from the insanity wooing me.

With your hand in mine we sat at a kitchen table
telling  my parents of an uncle’s abuse.

I never thought I would ever learn how to fly
until you showed me where to start.

©Susie Clevenger 2013

It is hard to define love. If I had to use one word, it would be Charlie.
He took a broken doll and loved her back to being whole. I love him
beyond words and for a person who spends her time with words that is quite a feat. 

Susan at Real Toads asked, "What is Love?" She asked us also to write of a moment that clarified that question for us. Real Toads ~ First and Last Lines


Lisa Williams said…
A brave and beautiful write.
Lisa Williams said…
A truly brave and beautiful write.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
THAT is true love. And love heals. Wonderful write, Susie!
Susan said…
You took me to that table and forward through walls crumbling into embrace. What a starting place for a better future. Maya Angelou posted to FB today: "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." It seems that wings broken from the untold can heal.
Fireblossom said…
Wow. That's...just wow, Susie. That slapped me right off my chair, then helped me up again.
Grace said…
How brave to trust and take that first step to healing ~ I love the title post, says so much ~

Happy Hearts Day to both of you ~
The Write Girl said…
Beautiful verses. This poem opens out like the heart and is full of love and healing.
Anonymous said…
Very poignant poem. K.
charlie said…
I loved you from the moment I saw you. We have climbed some high Mountains and have gone through some deep valleys,but came out more in love then ever. 42 years and they said it wouldn't last. We showed them. You are my life. Then and forever you are my world.we are one. Love you.
Marian said…
wow, this is so strong, susie, and charlie's comment just reduced me to a pile of tears. (for real.) before i read THAT, i was going to say that in particular, your second couplet is a clear description of a particular frame of mind that i've never seen described that way before. cuts to the bone with its truth and clarity. thank you, susie.
also, 42 years? SIGH how wonderful. xoxo
Helen said…
Bowing low to you and to Charlie .. (your poem and the love it chronicles is immense)
Sreeja said…
a heartfelt poem that touched the heart.... so wonderful!
Lolamouse said…
Firstly, congrats on 42 years! Secondly, the comment from Charlie made me cry too. What a guy! Thirdly, (and these are in no particular order of importance) your poem was heartbreaking and life affirming all at once. Very brave of you to address this part of your life.
Unknown said…
I have tears in my eyes reading what your husband Charlie wrote to you!! How lucky you both are to have found one another. Happy Valentine's Day!
Ella said…
Oh, Susie-I am so sorry and sad, but happy you have Charlie who helped you heal! Profound...
Thank you for this poem!
Hannah said…
Heart-rending and so beautiful, Susie. Thank you for sharing your heart so freely...your words, for many, could mean the beginning of their own crumbling to be rebuilt with love. ♥
Judy Roney said…
I have a similar story of love. This poem is so powerful and piercing. Love is the most powerful part of it. I'm so glad you found that. I'm so glad that someone helped you see the eagle you are.