Within the Illusion of Alone

The pebbles under your feet
join you to the path of life.
Feel the footsteps of those
who have gone before you
and let them guide you.

Relax into the journey
trusting that within
the illusion of alone
your ancestors walk with you.

It is not the destination
that is your victory.
but the steps it took to get you there.

Susie Clevenger 2012
Written for Real Toads ~ A Word With Laurie: Zen (Meditation)


Margaret said…
the illusion of alone

and the ending is wonderful! I think this is a poem that we all need to take to heart. Aloneness is a very overwhelming feeling... but it is also a selfish, self-pitying emotion at times. We need to remember we are connected to our world in a very real way, to those before us and those after us...

Sreeja said…
the last lines are so meaningful...loved this Susie....
Grace said…
I like the steps that take me there, very much aware of those that have gone before me ~

Happy day Susie ~
Hannah said…
This carries such a tone of comfort, Susie. Beautiful image of path you've created with your words and your photo is stunning with the shadows...bringing a little mystery or unknown to the known road. Beautiful!
Ella said…
I love this and how you ended it~
Wow, this is Zen!
You truly created a gifted illusion~
A state of mind, that so easily can shift~ Well Done
Preeti S. said…
This is brilliant. The way you have developed the thought is excellent. In simple words, you have conveyed the impression of walking physically alone and yet, if one allows, with the wisdom and experience and sheer companionship of those who walked the path before us. Reading this gave me a sense of peace with a streak of confidence and hope. Well penned. Loved it.
Marian said…
i appreciate the (gentle) reminder, Susie. xo
Kay L. Davies said…
I love this, Susie. I could feel some of the tension melt from my neck as I read it...but it's too short! Can you write one that will take me two weeks to read? LOL
Your poem is perfect Zen.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Absolutely wonderful. Especially "it is not the destination....but the steps it took to get you there." So true, so wise.........beautiful poem, kiddo. Just lovely.
Unknown said…
Sweetly, this piece reminds us of elemental truth. It is about the journey, isn't it? And about the truths and lessons learned along the path.
Kerry O'Connor said…
I don't know how I missed this one. I love the introductory image of the pebbled path, such a tactile image to ground us on the journey.
Mary said…
It can definitely awe a person if one thinks about the generations before who have left their footprints on the same path one is walking today. That is true ZEN, I believe.
Laurie Kolp said…
Wise words indeed... the picture really enhances the poem, too. I especially like the ending.
Susan said…
Walking paths of those from before is an exciting thought to me, one that captures me into history and supposition unless I focus on breath and simply lean on them into safety!