Last Picnic

Kat Mortensen©2012 

The last picnic,
initials carved
in a wooden table.

A summer
when childhood
said its goodbye.

Too young,
too innocent
yet life happened.

A girl too young
a mother.

A boy too young
a father.

A moment
when time
stood still

became years
of tears
and regret.

A picnic table
where forever
was only
i n i t i a l s
carved in wood.

©Susie Clevenger 2012
 The Sunday Challenge
at Real Toads is the
beautiful photography
of Kat Mortensen


Isadora Gruye said…
You've built such a complex narrative around a simple image. I like how you unfold the story around a set of details imagined.

viva la
Kerry O'Connor said…
You filled in everything that was missing from the picture in terms of a history for the absent human factor.
Your brevity of form makes the story all the more poignant.
Fireblossom said…
bad choices...who hasn't made some? it's amazing to me we get away with as much as we do, when we're young.
Maude Lynn said…
Susie, this is exquisite!
Grace said…
I like the last picnic scene...sad that life happened so fast before one is ready for it...well done ~
Herotomost said…
Grave mistakes, life lessons or greatest moments in our lives...however we look at them, what an identifiable and in the gut, around the heart feeling they give us. Those initials filled me up at the time and continue to do so as I think back on the good feelings that life has presented for me as well as the challenges. Susie...that was goooood...loved it.
Brian Miller said…
whew...evocative piece...everything changes in a blink you know...personally i love teh initials in tables...memories of what used to be...
Lolamouse said…
This was very real and very sad. Love the title.
Dave King said…
This conjures a time out of time when the universe exists without dimension and all time in the present moment. Lovely.