A Blog from my youngest, Carrie

This has been a scary week. My oldest daughter, Dawn, went in for her cancer check up and there was a problem. Her kidney function had dropped significantly. So thankful that the problem could be corrected by a stent. My youngest daughter, Carrie, wrote a moving blog about her love for Dawn. I wanted to share it and hope you will take the opportunity to read it.

Dear, Sweet Sister of Mine


Ellecee said…
This is such a beautiful tribute between sisters. Thank you so much, Susie, for showing it to us. May all turn out well for you and your family
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Oh my goodness, Susie, you must be going through so much, yet still writing and being upbeat. Way to be a great mom! I read your daughter's BEAUTIFUL letter to her sister and am very moved by their closeness, by what you all are going through. I'm glad that this time only needed an easy fix. But your heart must always be on guard, worrying. My son has non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, so I know. He is the one who has already suffered so much and, like your daughter I, too, had to wonder why he needed this extra hurdle to overcome. Sigh. He is doing fine though, being maintained on chemo every three months.

I pray that your daughter stays okay too. For a mom, no other outcome is possible.
Ella said…
I am so glad you hear thinks are improving! You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers! (((hugs)))
Off to go read the post~
Susie Clevenger said…
Thank you so much Ella
Susie Clevenger said…
Oh Sherry my heart goes out to you for your son. I know how difficult it is to watch your child go through such pain and feel helpless. May your son continue to do well.
I do well most of the time, but Wednesday when we found out her kidney function was too low for the contrast I had a moment of panic. I rallied though and was so thankful all she needed was a stent to correct the problem.
Kerry O'Connor said…
My thoughts are with you, Susie. I hope her recovery is swift.
Susie Swanson said…
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family..A beautiful tribute..
Grace said…
My prayers are with your daughter and the whole family ~

I will hop over to read her blog ~
Susie Clevenger said…
Thank you so much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers.
Susie Clevenger said…
Grace, thank you so much for your prayers.