The prayers turn
with stained glass spin.
Accepted words
fall on ears
that have tuned
them out.
Count the beads,
drink the sacrifice,
eat the bread,
Closet confessions
absolved by formulas.
The knees of guilt
can rise from
their posturing.
Heaven hears
another amen.
The prayers turn with stained glass spin.
another amen.
best lines..:)
this line is incredible: "Closet confessions absolved by formulas." Wowee.
I think your repeated line is very effective in this regard:
The prayers turn with stained glass spin.
The firstbtime, you break the line but then you let it apoear unbroken. For me, the spinning is the whirlpool of angst and despair that sinners often feel. The unbroken line seems to say that at first the sinner tries to break the cycle of sin with the rite. But the rite is ineffective because it's a lie. Therefore, the unbroken line indicates the penitent's freedom to seek another form of redemptipn and solace.
can rise from
their posturing.
Heaven hears
another amen.
The prayers turn with stained glass spin."
You well represent a heart that is not truly repentant but is just going through the motions. "Stained-glass spin" captures the turnabout of an insincere prayer.
I never did understand why it's okay to sin as much as you wish, go to confession, and be given 10 Hail Mary's and be forgiven. It doesn't nake any sense at all to me, but then again, it doesn't have to either.
Very well penned.
thank you for your time
drink the sacrifice,
eat the bread,
Closet confessions
absolved by are not bad in itself i think as long as we know why we do them and as long as it's our own decision and not a product of mass pressure