Ashen Moon

an ashen moon roams
through skeleton trees hoping
to scare the timid

human feet stir leaves
their rustle breaking silence
the moon hunts its prey

with ghostly smile
it shines upon its target
stabbing with its light

hiding place exposed
fear gathers strength to take flight
escape uncertain

the dark moon chases
a frightened heart in the night
with ghoulish pleasure.

cat and mouse a game
delighting the lunar orb
until night’s ending

the sun rises with
with chastisement in its rays
for the cruel moon

©Susie Clevenger 2011
Photograph: Photobucket
Prompt: Scary



Anonymous said…
After reading everyone's Scare Haiku ... I might have to sleep with the lights on tonight :-) and await my heroine the sun ...

the sun rises with
with chastisement in its rays
for the cruel moon

Great job ~~
Mijayami said…
I thought I did well to get 2 stanzas -- enjoyed all 6 of yours!
siggiofmaine said…
I like this very much.
Lots of things I never thought of for the prompt.
Thank you very much.

Peace, Siggi in Downeast Maine, USA
Ed Pilolla said…
that cruel moon does indeed scare the timid. let me tell you...
Simply lovely, and the picture is beautiful- reminded me of the movie I just watched the other night, "The Wolfman"
Hazel said…
Eerily beautiful! This is the kind of scare I like.
Nanka said…
Susie you have done a marvelous set of haiku and progressively getting scarier!! You had me ducking for cover!! The imagery created is fantastic!!