There Was A Time

There was a time
I wore flowers in my hair.
believed love
to be the universal theme,
and a peace sign was more
than a fashion statement.

There was a time when
I protested war;
marching in the streets
with signs begging
there be an end
to the carnage.

There was a time
when I wore
a silver bracelet
with the name
of a prisoner of war,
leaving it on my
wrist until he came home.

There was a time
When I was not concerned
with acquiring possessions.
The little I owned
was given to others
when their need
was greater than mine.

There was a time
should not be my epitaph.
there is still a need
for flowers in my hair,
for universal love,
for a peace sign
to mean more than
a fashion statement.

©Susie Clevenger 2011


Anonymous said…
a very beautiful poem!! I am happy to discover your blog as link from Miroslav Dusanic!

Greetings and see you!
